Optimise packing layouts for smaller cartons into a larger one to form the optimal load. Produce a picking order and apply specific rules relating to separate or aligned products.
What’s Included:
The original Cube-IQ BlackBox Load Engine has maximum fill rate as its main objective. Add to this lightning-fast carton specific rules ensuring that the most efficient carton is automatically selected.
Near real-time response means you can use the results during checkout as well as for pick, carton selection and fulfilment.
Packing a large carton with many smaller cartons
Select the correct size carton
Form an optimal load plan for the carton
Process orders in seconds
Pack the carton with stacking and orientation rules
Produce a pick order sequence
Automatically assign dunnage
Rules allow for specific goods to be packed always together or always in separate cartons.
Reduce training time
Ensure product safety
Standardise packaging process
Save recourses by selecting the correct size box every time
Save time, load plans and pick lists produced in under 8 seconds