Information Technology

We believe IT should enable the organisation and provide market leading innovation opportunities.  Our IT services alleviate the time pressures on IT and help with the alignment of IT with the business in order to facilitate that innovation.

We observe these common blockers facing IT in the market:

  • It is hard to budget, recruit and retain good support resources in NZ.  Base salaries are high and good people get poached. 

  • The IT maturity of smaller or growing businesses often lags behind the organisation, trapping the IT team in a reactive incident response cycle that struggles to address the underlying issues.

  • Alignment. IT and the business often talk a different language, with IT feeling like the business does not understand the pressures they are under and the business feeling like it is too hard to engage IT, things will take too long, cost too much or not deliver to expectations.

Why use our team?

Our team understands business and technology.  We are willing to invest in understanding your operations and share your risk because we know our greatest surety comes from focusing on customer value and ensuring predictable service levels and costs.

We are further differentiated from our competitors in the Enterprise market by our Design philosophy. We excel at large, complex or intractable technology and process challenges, but we are not precious about where we start or which part of a problem we engage on.

Our Support offerings include ad hoc local resources to help with resource gaps, offshore resources to help with budget and outsourcing options to help with service levels.

We are known for leading the NZ market in terms of technology innovation. Let us help you lead your market through innovation too.

Contact us to learn more about our services